ENGL 3369: Information Design

<aside> ✋ We are all adults in this class, so please be proactive in your learning—this means coming to class prepared, reading the material, being willing to ask questions, and contacting me as soon as there are any concerns or obstacles with either the course content or academic performance. You are responsible for keeping track of due dates and course requirements. I am always willing to help you move forward in the course, but the first step always starts with you.

All course information, resources, and materials can be found on the course website.

All assignments and peer reviews will be submitted and graded in Blackboard.

Note: This syllabus is subject to change if deemed necessary.


Instructor: Michelle Cowan

Email: [email protected]

Office hours: M/W after class (1:20-2:50pm) and by appointment

Office location: English 456 (fourth floor) and our Zoom room

Course website: https://bit.ly/infodesignrules

NOTE: All students must bring a computer to class, log into the Zoom room, and show your video regardless of whether you are in the online or in-person section. This is a hybrid class, so we need to make sure we fully include online participants. Using your computer allows online students to see your face and get to know you. (If this is a problem for you, let me know ASAP so I can make accommodations.)

Class time: M/W 12:00-1:20pm

Classroom for In-Person 001: English 353

Class Zoom Meeting Room D01 and 001: https://texastech.zoom.us/j/94752077653?pwd=dVI1OUg3Nm94ZEFhampaQTg1MmJZZz09

Zoom Meeting ID: 947 5207 7653

Zoom Meeting Password: 878153

Course Description

Information design can be interpreted as many things: document design, webpage design, information architecture, data visualization, user interface design, content architecture, and more. It is impossible to cover every element of information design in a single semester, so this class will focus on the following:

  1. In unit 1, you can choose whether to focus on document, web/digital, or usability design, learning a new design tool to bring your ideas to life (i.e., Adobe InDesign, Adobe XD, or Axure).
  2. In unit 2, you will work on techniques for visualizing sets of data, also learning a new data visualization tool (i.e., Tableau).
  3. On your own, you will research a topic of your choice related to information design and then teach what you learned to the class through an oral presentation and another form of information delivery, which you can choose. This presentation may happen at any time during the semester.

In this class, we will explore approaches to information design that can be applied in print, web, and other environments. Information design is first about making sense of data or information and then about communicating that information to others. We will discuss design principles that you can apply to any information design project, regardless of the tools you have at your disposal.

Your success in this class will not be determined by mastery of any particular design tool. Instead, your ability to learn and apply the principles and approaches we discuss, as well as your willingness to work and create in new ways, will drive your progress in this course.

Course Objectives

We will work on several departmental course goals and outcomes. By the end of the class, you should be able to:

Email Correspondence

I will respond to emails with 48 hours. Emails received Friday evening through Sunday and student holidays will be answered on the next working business day. If you do not hear back from me in 48 hours, resend your email or talk to me before or after class, in case your email was accidentally lost or redirected to my spam folder. In your emails:

Attendance Policy